It's kind of something sweet to toddlers as well as babies of 10 months and above. As this would be as quick and easy recipe for babies/toddlers. I have used Ceregrow 2 to 5 Years in this recipe. You can use Cerelac of your baby's age/month.  


  1. Cerelac/ Ceregrow- 2 Spoons

  2. Egg- 1 

  3. Sugar- 1 tsp

  4. Ghee- 1/2 tsp


  1. In a mixer add 2 Spoons of Cerelac/ Ceregrow, 1 Egg, 1 tsp Sugar and 1/2 tsp of Ghee. Blend well.

  2. Take a pan and heat it with medium flame. Pour the Pan Cake mix on the Pan and cook it in low to medium  flame.  Cook both side.

  3. Serve Warm.
